Pool Inspections
Getting a pool inspection by a certified inspector before purchasing a property with a pool can provide numerous benefits, including:
Identifying safety hazards: A pool inspection can identify safety hazards that may not be immediately visible to an untrained eye. The inspector can check for potential safety concerns like non-functioning pool gates or barriers, slippery surfaces, or electrical hazards.
Determining pool condition: A pool inspection can determine the overall condition of the pool, including the quality of the pool's structure, the condition of the pump, filter, and other equipment, as well as the condition of the pool's decking and coping. This can help you understand the cost of necessary repairs or maintenance.
Avoiding unforeseen expenses: A pool inspection can help you avoid unforeseen expenses by identifying issues that may not be immediately apparent. Knowing the condition of the pool before you buy the property can help you budget for repairs and maintenance.
Insurance: A pool inspection can help ensure that you can obtain insurance for your pool, as some insurance companies may require proof of a pool inspection before providing coverage.
Peace of mind: A pool inspection can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that the pool is safe, functioning correctly, and in good condition. You'll have the information you need to make an informed decision about your purchase.
We have been inspecting water systems for almost 30 years and respect your faith in us. In addition to being certified operators and inspectors by the PHTA, we also maintain the following industrial credentials:
Certified Pool Inspector (PHTA) Certified Pool Operator (PHTA)
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Lead Auditor
CESCO - Certified Environmental and Safety Compliance Officer (NREP)
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER 40)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA 30 - 1910)